Department of AnaesthesiologyCritical Care & Pain Medicine

- Dr. Neelam Singh (Professor and Head of Department)
- Dr. L.S. Mishra (Professor and Ex-HOD)
- Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Yadav (Associate Professor)
- Dr. Vaibhav Singh (Associate Professor)
- Dr. Shobhit Singh (Assistant Professor)
- Dr. Arvind Randhawa (Assistant Professor)
- Dr. Neelam Singh (Professor and Head of Department)
- Dr. L.S. Mishra (Professor and Ex-HOD)
- Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Yadav (Associate Professor)
- Dr. Vaibhav Singh (Associate Professor)
- Dr. Shobhit Singh (Assistant Professor)
- Dr. Arvind Randhawa (Assistant Professor)
- Awarded by Commissioner for Covid-19 ICU management
- In National and State Conferences appreciation awards for lectures and workshop facilitation.
- Pain Clinic started and C-Arm/USG Guided procedures done
- Number of ICU beds increased from 5 to 15 in PMSSY
- Bedside lung ultrasonography and USG guided procedures routinely done in ICU
- Flexible Fibreoptic Intubation done in Difficult and Complicated patients
- Ultrasound Guided Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Segmental Blocks are done in high risk patients
- Video-Laryngoscopy done in Difficult Airway management
- National Level CME cum Workshop held successfully in June 2023
- Training for BLS(Basic Life Support) to police officers in police line and paramedical staffs
- Tele ICU started in PMSSY , SRN Hospital
- Two Gold Medals and Two Silver Medals in paper/poster presentation
- Paper publication- about 50 in national and international journals
- Number of OT's increased to 2 times and Number of Surgeries increased about 3 times
- Anaesthesia department played a leading role in management of COVID-19 patients